High Achievers

On the outside, you seem to have it all together.

You’ve been ambitious from an early age, worked hard toward your goals, and had positive accolades from others to back you up.

You’ve been successful in the traditional sense and managed to “check the boxes.”

You have the will and always seem to find the way.

But despite your success, inside you feel a bit… lost.

Something feels as though it’s missing, but you can’t put your finger on it. You just don’t feel satisfied or fulfilled.

No matter what you achieve, the novelty of it seems to fade pretty quickly. You wonder, “Is this all there is?”

High achievement has its rewards, but they can come at a cost.

The same strengths that helped you succeed can become a double-edged sword.

Focusing so much on output can mean neglecting input in important areas of your life.
Health and well-being take a back seat to getting things done.
Relationships can become transactional instead of meaningful.
As the stress compounds, you may turn to quick fixes such as food, drugs, or alcohol for relief, but the effects don’t last.

When the focus is always on what’s next, there is less acceptance of what is, meaning you don’t fully stop to smell the roses and celebrate your wins.

You may not be aware of the stress that your drive to excel has put on you. From a young age, we are surrounded by family, friends, and media telling us who we should be and what we should do. It’s easy to get disconnected from who we truly are along the way.

I’m here to tell you: There is nothing wrong with questioning your path…

There is nothing wrong with wanting more.

When happiness and success aren’t lining up in your life, it’s a sign that it’s time to look inward.

Your authentic self is not based on what you accomplish and what others think of you, but what truly makes YOU happy.

Let’s help you reconnect you to your authentic voice…

The one that might have been drowned out by the opinions of everyone else.

I help you begin a conversation with yourself that is more honest and different from the ones you’ve had before.

We will help you shift from an external to a more internal focus to help close the distance between what you’re currently doing and what you genuinely want from life in the future.

With that insight, you’ll start taking action toward what is meaningful to you – independent of others, with the ability to define success on your own terms.

We’ll leverage the same strengths that helped you become successful professionally,
so you can feel successful personally.

Some signs of positive outcomes of alignment can include:

  • Honesty. You make choices based on being honest with yourself and what you want, not just what is expected of you.
  • Authenticity. You feel like yourself personally and professionally. Not an imposter. Not a fraud.
  • Acceptance. You let go of control and attach to the process, not just the outcome.
  • Boundaries. You are less likely to agree blindly with others or be taken advantage of.
  • Self-worth. You connect your self-worth to who you are, not what you do.
  • Confidence. You don’t feel threatened by other people’s success knowing their journey is theirs and yours is yours.
  • Adaptability. You adapt, not react. You’re able to ask questions instead of making assumptions.

If you’re ready for success AND happiness…

Let’s get you connected to who you truly are so that success on the outside also feels like happiness on the inside.

Request a complimentary 20-minute consultation. Call or text at (323) 207-9234.